Life style diseases are here to stay. More and more services will be required for treating them with various approaches. A staggering figure of 50 million obese people in India is the best example of life style impact and calls for combined approach of medical and nutritional treatments. In view of this ‘Diaita’ Eat Right Clinic has joined hands with Marico Industries to conduct a series of CMNE – Continuing Medical and Nutrition Education, where both doctors and dietitians/nutritionists will share their knowledge.
We have great pleasure in inviting you for the 1st CMNE at Sunshine Hospitals to be held on 21st Dec’2011 from 1:00pm onwards. Theme for this series is “Obesity – Complications & Approaches”. Following is the program schedule:
CMNE ( Continuing Medical And Nutrition Education)
An Interactive Session On
“ Obesity – Complications And Approaches“
Jointly Organised By Diaita Eat Right Clinic And Sunshine Hospitals
Powered By Saffola
Date : 21st December 2011
Venue: Sunshine Hospitals , Paradise Secunderabad
Time: 1.00pm To 4.00pmPrograme Agenda
1.00 – 2.00pm Lunch
2:00pm: “Happiness is Happy Knees”–Obesity and Bones-Dr.Gurava Reddy, Director, Sunshine Hospitals, Secunderabad
2.30pm: “Why Bariatrics ?” - Dr. Krishna Mohan, Director Leads Medical Centre, Hyd
3.00pm: “Resistant Fat – Treatments – Hcg Diet” – Dr. Deepu Chundru, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon, Sunshine Hospitals
3.30pm: ‘Treating Weight Loss at Diet Clinc – Case Presentation’ by Dr.Janaki Diaita Eat Right Clinic
3.45pm: Presentation by Saffola
4:00pm: Vote of Thanks
High Tea
Kindly make it convenient to attend the program and share your experience with fellow professionals.
Dr. B. Janaki M.Sc; Ph.D (Food and Nutrition)
Diaita, Eat Right ClinicII Floor, VIP Luggage Building
adj. Hyderabd Central, Punjagutta X Roads
opp. Punjagutta PS, Hyderabad - 500 082
Phone: 040-23401926, Mobile: 98481 95081
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